Ethics Policy

Human Research Ethics Policy

In recent years, various genetic diseases which may affect not only a patient but also his/her blood relatives are able to be diagnosed through the development of gene analysis technology. In the process of developing pharmaceuticals or the diagnostic test technologies, test results and medical history have currently begun to be used as research materials in addition to human samples such as blood, urine, cells, and tissues.

While such progressive benefits have been brought, it becomes more important to consider the ethical use of human samples and information provided. In contract studies or R&D using human samples and its information, we protect human rights and respect the dignity of life, and we conduct them with legal, ethical and social legitimacy. We comply with the following items in accordance with related guidelines etc. of Ministries or Academic society:

1. Protection of Personal Information

If required, we will anonymize any samples and its information before conducting studies in order to ensure confidentiality of personal information.

2. Voluntary Consent (Informed Consent)

Upon use of human samples and its information, we shall fully explain the purpose, method, and disclosure of the results to the provider and perform services on the premise of obtaining informed consent.

3. Ethical Review

Upon use of human samples and its information, the usefulness and legal, ethical, and social justification shall be discussed and approved by the Ethics Review Committee of Mediford Corporation.

4. Compliant References

Development research, etc. that uses human samples and information

Ethics policy regarding medical research involving human subjects (partially revised on February 28, 2017, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects (Declaration of Helsinki) (revised October 2013, World Medical Association)

Established: November 1st, 2023
Kei Shimizu